26 thoughts on “Homework

  1. I think that once in a while we should get homework.
    I think that because: well say you have a test in a few days. It would be good to have homework then because its a good refresher to your brain. Even if its half a page of homework and very easy to do, its still a good thing to do before a test. Thats why i think we should have homework once in a while and not every day.

  2. I think we should have some homework because it does help us improve on some things such as mad minuets and the 60 multiplacation questions, but you shouldent have to much home work because some families dont have time to do all that work that is sent home with children every night. Then again home work is hard at home if you are stuck on a question at school and then you dont finish it you take it home and it is very over whelming when you are stuck on one question and no one knows the answer.

  3. I think homework is very repeditive. In Grade 1 and Grade 2 you think home work is fine beacuse you dont get very much of it. Then in the other grades you just hate it because you get so much of it.

  4. i think there should not be homework because when you hav homework and your perents/gardians try to hepl but they mess you up more and at school you can get a bit more help . 🙂

  5. I believe that Kids should have a small amount of homework, becuase it would refresh your mind; but you’d still have time to do other things, like extra cirlicular activities and so on. But sometimes even small amounts of homework would be time consuming if things are difficult at home. So i thimk that kids should be given a small amount, but a chance to have it done in class.

  6. I think that only sometimes it’s okay for kids to have homework. In my situtaion it’s okay. It’s easy for me and I being the only child in my home I almost never have any distractions. Yes, I do agree that homework sucks and I much rather do other things but it’s a part of life. I think that 15-30 minutes of my time isn’t much at all. in conclusion I think that homework is good idea and it helps kids learn better.

  7. There should be homework cause the more you learn the more smarter you will get and anywone of your famly that is realy smart and he or she will help you and it will help you on a test

  8. Really, my opinion: homework is TERREBLE. I don’t like it, it takes away some of my free time. But everyone hates homework. So do I. But what I think should happen is this: Do ALL school work at school, then have free time all night. That’s all I’d say. Homework makes Teacher’s lifes stressful. Keeping track of who did and didn’t. Homework makes everyones life stressful, even the parents. So homework should be NO MORE. And that’s what I think about homework.

  9. i think homework can help you refresh your mind but iwork all day log and afterschool is my free time to hang out with my friends and family

  10. i think we should have a little home work once in a wile but not alot because we already do work of school and stuff we dont finish we could do at school the next day if we dident finish and some times when u really dont get your home work than u are in trouble!:)

  11. Kids should not have homework. Kids should not get homework because the people said it dosen’t help the kids it take the kids time

  12. I think homework is a great idea especially because homework tells teachers if a student is responsible enough to handle it than they can move on to a new task when its time.
    but also homework sometimes doesnt work especially if a kid doesnt get it finished then there is no way of it helping them.
    but when students get to much homework it can be overwhelming to lead the student to believe they wont finish any of it and that there is no point to doing any of it.and that is why i think homework can be a good thing and a bad thing

  13. I think that we sould get a little homework not alot because most people get stuck with chorse and have to look after there siblings.

  14. I think homework can help you but at home it is our free time to hang out with our friends and we already have six whole hours of prety much all work.Also family is important because what if we have a aunt that we havent seen in a long time and we dont do it…
    were in trouble

  15. I think we should have homework but just a little. I think this because if you give us kids to much homework than that’s taking our time away time we could be using for extracurricular activities.so by giving us homework you’re getting rid of our extracurricular activities. So yes to homework just not to to much.

  16. i think they should have no more homework beecause it is when the kids get to have fun with there friends and family and some kids have to take care of there brothers and sisters.

  17. I don’t think that elementery school kids should have alot of homework. Sometimes it’s nesisary for kids to have homework, like when they don’t finish it in class but i defenatly don’t think that teachers should just give out homework out of nowhere. When kids get home from school at the end of the day they are tired, and homework is just about the last thing that they want to do. In a situation where there is a test coming up then maybe a study sheet would be nessisairy so that they get a better mark on their test but kids do have a life outside of school. After school most kids have to have a quick dinner and then get in the car and leave for sports and by the time they get home they are redey for bed. That is why i think that kids should not have piled on homework all the time.

  18. I think its good to have a little homework, but not everyday and definatly not alot every night. Kids have other things to do besides that, like they might have busy parents who work alot, they have to hepl out around the house or tyhey might have younger siblings to look after. Its not very fair to give a kid 3 or 4 pages of work cause they probly have other things to do but, its a good thing to get some homework like every other night or something because in high school and collage/university you will get alot of homework because there is more stuff to learn and is more work and understanding involved than something like gr.8 math. So i think its good to have SOME home work every little while to get you prepaed for highschool and university or collage and over a weekend or long break of school it helps them remember what they are learning in that subgect and they dont forget how to do something.I believe that we should have some homework ONCE in awhile.

  19. I think a little homework is fine because some people love homework but not to much cause some people are busy some people do sports or watch there sister/brother so they don’t have the time that’s why I think we should have less homework

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