At Issue Bottled Water

So many of us buy and consume bottled water. Recently we shared some time with David Suzuki and he identified bottled water as a major concern facing the planet. So lets take a look at two sources that look at both sides of the debate:

Should bottled water be banned from our store shelves? 

For Bottled Water


How to participate:

  1. Log in to Edublogs (right hand corner), if you are a parent, you need not do this.
  2. Review the materials, and make notes.
  3. Using Microsoft Word (Docs to go) craft a persuasive paragraph that clearly states and supports your opinion on this matter.
  4. Copy and Paste your paragraph into the comments area on this Post and the Google Form, where you may also vote.

Should bottled water be banned from our store shelves? 

Google Vote and Post

Make sure you post in comments too-A PARAGRAPH!With Arguments!

19 thoughts on “At Issue Bottled Water

  1. I do agree that bottled water is a huge reason for pollution and it was not until now did I realize what happens to the bottles, even though they are put in the recycling bins. I usually use a brita water filter jug, but often forget to bring water with me when I go some where and end up buying a bottle of water here an there. I do believe in reusing bottles as much as possible, so if I am thirsty and the only possibility is to buy a bottles drink I try to get one that is a thicker plastic so that I can reuse it over and over.
    I also would like the production of bottled water to go down, so that the cost of oil will also eventually go down. The only demand for oil after t is not longer being used to make bottles, would be for cars and heating homes.

  2. I think we should get rid of bottled water because its not good for us and its kinda dumb that they dont recycle it when they say they will

  3. Ella says: Yes I think so because for one thing it’s wasting our money and hurting our enivoriment. Bottled water is a big part of pollution, do we really want to be drinking something that we can get from home thats free and tastes better or do we want water the cost us a forture and tastes bad? Our enivoirment is already going way down hill.Do you really want to be a part of the problem?

  4. I think that people should stop using bottled water, it has become a huge problem to our world. Especially the mountains of plastic waste in india.

  5. Bottled water
    I think no more bottled water because the bottles just go to landfills and pollute the world. In the video it said bottled water companies lie about how clean the water is.

  6. I think that people should stop using bottled water, it has become a huge problem to our world. Especially the mountains of plastic waste in india. And how they are making us think tap water is bad and dirty, most of bottled water comes from the tap!

  7. I think that it would be better to drink only tap water because:
    Well in the video the person said that bottled water is tap water except in a bottle. So what’s the difference between bottled water or tap water? Not much. So if we only drink tap water it will safe our planet.

  8. I think you would baned plastic water bottles because the factors would stop plastic bottles pollution and then there would be less plastic bottles on the earth.

  9. I think we should ban bottled water because it is polluting our world on horrific scales. So we should ban bottled water or people will still drink it and polute. So we should only buy it if it actually gets recycled

  10. I think we should have no more water bottles because it is a big waste of plastic and tapped water is good enough for most people and it’s a waste of money because in some houses water is free

  11. I think bottled water should be recalled from shelves because well, first of all, it’s polluting the earth, people cut down millions of tree’s to make the bottles and we don’t even need the bottles! My parents never get bottled water, they get water from a tap and put it in a Brita Filter so we can have healthy water that costs no money. So what we all should do is get water from the tap, and then put it in a filter so we can all have free, healthy water. That’s what I think, so yeah, bottled water should be off the shelf.

  12. agree that we should get rid of bottled water because it is one of the greatest things polluting earth right now and if we all start drinking tap water than most of the pollution on our earth will disappear I mean thin k about it wouldn’t you feel better knowing that you aren’t polluting the earth if you answered yes than go green stop drinking bottled water and stop paying for what you can get for free at home.

  13. I am enjoying a lot of the comments and how many of you have realised that what we do in Canada effects the whole world, like the mountains of bottles in India, and that recycling isn’t always the answer. We are saying to stop bottled water to save the planet and to save our money…… what about pop and juice in bottles? How do we change that?

  14. Erin says: Yes it should be banned from our stores because its not good for the enviroment. It takes enough oil to make plastic bottles you could power 1000 cars! But still we pay somebody to give us tap water in a plastic bottle, and even still its more money to ship the garbage to india whre it is getting dumped in somebodys backyard! most of the time our city water is ok, we just think its cool to drink bottled water, and i thinbk everybody is guilty of drinking a bottle of water and carelessly throwing it away. If we keep trerating the world the way we are going we will be LITERALLY LIVING IN GARABAGE!!!!!!! We, as humans really need to change our ways and drink tap water or use re-useable water bottles!!!!!

  15. i think there should be bottled water because water from the lake pollutes. Also there should be bottled water because water bottles are good for us.

  16. i think we should get rid of bottled water because not all tap water is dirty and we can drink bottled water if our water is dirty but we dont need to drink bottled water every day if our tap isnt dirty

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