At Issue “Happy at School”

The way in which school is being though of is changing dramatically. For some this is a difficult transition. I speak with teachers and parents who feel that the system is broken and the changes that are taking place are hurting the quality of education being delivered, while others feel that the change is both necessary and exciting. Many relevant ideas are shared by Logan in this video as he tries to promote the idea of happiness at the core of education.

So your “At Issue” question of the day is:

What changes, if any, need to take place in your school to make happiness a priority?

Parents: What changes in education do you see and how do you feel about them?


Remember to answer in the comment field below.

38 thoughts on “At Issue “Happy at School”

  1. Happiness at school

    So what would make me happy at school is longer lunches because there is more time to eat. Also longer recess’s because we have more time to have to ourselves. Also what would make me happy is more art.

  2. I think school needs to change so we can learn more things we are interested in like art or writing or whatever we are interested in learning about. I think I would be happier at school if we did more art. We should still do the same things that we usually do but we should do more fun stuff during the day so that way we are actually excited to go to school and we want to get up early and get ready to leave for the day. At school we don’t do many fun things all the time so kids our age don’t want to come.

  3. I think to Make learning more fun by learning your way and do important studies in the morning then do what you want the rest of the day.

  4. In order for me to be happier at school I’d love it if students would have the confidence to fail. So often I see students who just don’t care,they just come to school because they have to. They’ve been told they are no good at it so why bother. If students were given the license to fail and learn through mistakes I think the classroom would be a much more powerful learning environment.

  5. Well to make school more fun for everyone I think many people at this school would enjoy Genius Hour. If every class got one hour of Genius hour we could chase our dreams, work on the things we thought weren’t even possible and maybe even make the dream come true. Maybe write a book or invent something awesome. That’s the break I think everyone needs. A break from math and stuff and show what you really enjoy. Even if that dream is being some mad genius math person.

    • Yeah that would probably would be the dream but the reality is that math and language are apart of school and we have to learn it but maybe doing math and language as much as art and gym

  6. I think that school needs to change in a way that reflects on what the students like to do and what they’re passion is. For example I love and really enjoy writing and I know that maybe not everybody enjoys it but it’s my passion. Yes writing is part of the school curriculum but I feel like it’s not treated as well as math or language. Everybody has passions that maybe arn’t being treated well or being done at all, and I think that really needs to change because our passions our things that we may want to do when we’re older and it’s important to do what makes so that we are happy.

  7. I would be happier at school if class sizes were smaller. It would allow me more time with each student to better focus on their goals. More time with each student would help to create better and deeper projects from both the students and myself.

  8. I think school should change so we all have time to learn about what we want . I think this would make people a lot happier because they would be learning about something they like to do. Also if people would learn about different things at maybe the end of the week everyone could share about what they learned.

  9. I think people could become happier if the school board adds more curriculum at school across North America. Because kids could become happier if they get to play games, have fun, etc. But some people don’t get extra curriculum activity. So yeah maybe more extra curriculum activity.

  10. I think that school would be a better place for me if we had more art or like many different activities going on at once so we could chose to be a part of. It feels like we are actually making some more powerful decisions about our future. Like I know I feel like I have no choice about what I learn because it’s like I want to do big projects but it’s not available to me . I feel I`m very bored with what im learning because I love to work on my reading but also on my writing. I think more people might feel like they want to do more reading or writing.

  11. I think we should be able to be more creative and have mobile classes at school by doing important work in the evening so we get to do are creative ideas in the morning.

  12. I think that if we could do whatever subject at school we wanted to do and choose how long we I wanted to do them that would make me happy.
    This would make me happier because some subjects are not my best but I still want to get better at them so I would choose how long I want to do that subject and after that I would go and do a different one.
    Some kids have trouble with a lot of things so they could do this and still do things they like.

  13. I think we would learn better and be happier at school if there were more opportunities for me to do what we love interacting with the curriculum.

    I absolutely love to read,write and do group activities. If I were to work on a math assignment I would be more successful if I worked in a group. There is also the things we learn about.For curriculum we can have

    I also think that

  14. I think that to make school a happy place there should be some fun activities, such as a longer gym period or even letting kids go to another classroom for a while.

    Because I think that when kids are at school they fell like they are being forced to do certain things that they may not like at all. Some kids may like math but some kids might not when we have to do math we will not feel good so why make kids do things they don’t like, so make the math into a fun game and
    they will feel comfortable with doing math.

    That is what I think could make school a better place

  15. Happiness At School
    I think that the way that teachers go about teaching children does have the effect on how smart the kid thinks he/she is. In most cases, kids aren’t too fond of subjects like math. That makes them think that they are now horrible at math. That same kid that is horrible at math is really great at some other subject but no one really knows it yet. I think that if someone just takes the time to find out what everyone is good at. I think this would help because then teachers and adults could get some kind of idea about who the child is and what he/she is good at. Then the teacher or adult could somewhat shape the kids’ education around what they are good at and what they love because they will not grow up feeling dumb because they weren’t so good at the things that the school board expects and wants you to be.

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